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He reluctantly begins pushing a pencil around on some paper.

Tag Archives: blog

Hi. Bryan’s sister, here. He thinks this is his account. Hah! Then he needs to post more stuff, right? Nah, he’s still recovering from the flu/bronchitis/pneumonia/plague.

When my brother and I discuss art biz, blogs, sales and marketing, etc. it’s like two little kids buzzing around their playroom, picking up and messing with and chattering about everything they see. Every interaction becomes a ‘brainstorming’ session that occasionally turns into a sensible meeting; which is the opposite of what usually happens in the business world.

Reminds me of one of my father’s favorite jokes: “I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out.”


He painted this to hang at The Gypsy Cafe in Seattle’s Fremont district. They invite various purveyors of folk and jazz to perform, and various artists display a few works at a time.

Please observe how calm and collected it is. Observe the musician concentrating on the task at hand. Take note of the dog at rest, and feel free to chuckle at the ADHD vs. focused dichotomy.

Painting by Bryan Ubaghs

30” x 48”

acrylic on canvas


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Please amuse yourself with my latest blog post:

Photo Gold Mine

or read the whole blog by heading to the Muckelford home page and clicking Weak Green Tea on the blogroll. I’m fully aware I’m doing this wrong.


The Sister

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